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Innovative line developed and built with Kevlar® for durability 20x stronger than previous models 30 metre ultra strong Kevlar® line 6 to 1 gear ratio makes for a quick rewind, saving time after laying a chalk line The outer shell is made from aluminium for ultimate durability on the jobsite while remaining lightweight Intelligent hook design offers a strong grip and accuracy when laying chalk Designed to feel comfortable in the hand and remain comfortable all day Flush winding handle to avoid it getting caught while in useInnovative line developed and built with Kevlar® for durability 20x stronger than previous models 30 metre ultra strong Kevlar® line 6 to 1 gear ratio makes for a quick rewind, saving time after laying a chalk line The outer shell is made from aluminium for ultimate durability on the jobsite while remaining lightweight Intelligent hook design offers a strong grip and accuracy when laying chalk Designed to feel comfortable in the hand and remain comfortable all day Flush winding handle to avoid it getting caught while in useInnovative line developed and built with Kevlar® for durability 20x stronger than previous models 30 metre ultra strong Kevlar® line 6 to 1 gear ratio makes for a quick rewind, saving time after laying a chalk line The outer shell is made from aluminium for ultimate durability on the jobsite while remaining lightweight Intelligent hook design offers a strong grip and accuracy when laying chalk Designed to feel comfortable in the hand and remain comfortable all day Flush winding handle to avoid it getting caught while in use
Product thumbnail.
Product thumbnail.

Innovative line developed and built with Kevlar® for durability 20x stronger than previous models 30 metre ultra strong Kevlar® line 6 to 1 gear ratio makes for a quick rewind, saving time after laying a chalk line The outer shell is made from aluminium for ultimate durability on the jobsite while remaining lightweight Intelligent hook design offers a strong grip and accuracy when laying chalk Designed to feel comfortable in the hand and remain comfortable all day Flush winding handle to avoid it getting caught while in use




  • £19.01

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